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Non-organic causes of Pain, Cramp, Eye Floater, Headache & other stress/anxiety induced disorders - the health and love problems induced by sympathetic nervous fires.
Why can stress kill you (click here)? Yes,  we have solutions for you!

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When sex doesn't give you pleasure, but anxiety, panic attack, stress, pains, depression, cramps, frequent urination (vaginal/G-spot/urethral/prostate abrasion!), eye floaters, ear buzzing or headaches, you are in the right place for the right solution.  We have also developed love and health tips in a book (burned in a CD-ROM with audio and audio clips and illustration) to help enjoy health and love life.

In fact, eye floater, headache, dizziness or vertigo can be considered as panic attack or stress in the brain, eye or ear.  Panic/anxiety/stress attack can occur in any organs, such as eyes, ears, throat, lungsheart, digestive system, kidneys, joints(!?)bladders, rectum, anus, prostate, urethra, uterus and vagina. Panic/anxiety/stress attack cause muscle or blood-vessel constriction against the adjacent nerves for pains or cramps (for examples, pelvic or perineum pain, testicular pain, urethral pain, PMS and menstrual Pains), in addition to induction of excessive prostaglandin E2 production which produces Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and arthritis too.  The muscle or blood-vessel constriction also indicates the erectile dysfunction due to a lack of prostaglandin E1/E3 and Nitric Oxide production for penile/testicular/clitoral shrinkage and vaginal enlargement. This is the another side effect of being stressed out, anxious, and depressed. However, it also implies that your tissues and nerves lack of the elasticity hormone prostaglandin E1 to stretch, but are soaked in the blood full of inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2.  By the way, when your adrenal medulla and hypothalamus convert too much dopamine into norepinephrine and then epinephrine,  you are not only one sympathetic nervous fires (Fight or Flight),  but also experience low libido due to a low oxytocin release and a high prolactin release from your hypothalamus-pituitary axis. All of these symptoms can be considered as exhaustion of the neuro-endocrine function with excessive sympathetic nervous Fight or Flight responses. What are about the main causes? enjoy too much drugs or pleasure (men ? or women?) Any way, do you want to know the solutions problems (click here)?

For Women:  General Female Intercourse/Penetration pain is called VAGINISMUS, but sometimes more than that. Female Intercourse pains can be associated with Tipped Uterus PMS or Menstrual disorders or pain/cramp , peri-menopause or menopause symptoms , birth control pills, drug abuse and vaginal inflammation due to excessive sex or over-masturbation or due to vibrator-induced damage which also causes vaginal enlargement too). By the way, C-section , Vibrator abuse or Tubaligation can cause the problems too. Vulva Abrasion (Vulvodynia) / Vestibulitis or/and vaginosis naturally result in pains.  Over-stimulation of the G-spot without a proper erectioncan trigger the bladder and urethral sympathetic nervous panic or anxious responses for urinary leakage, urinary urgency or frequent urination. Drug abuse (pot/marijuana smoking or amphetamine or other hard street drugs) will produce the similar results (panic or anxiety attack and stress on the brain, bladder and urethra) when the serotonin/GABA nervous control on the sympathetic nervous fires become too weak.  The similar conditions are also applied to men, where sympathetic nervous panic or anxiety attack and stress occur on the brain, bladder, prostate, and urethra. Yes, our products can help you solve your problems, or Do you need some love tips too? If yes, click here!

For Men: On the other hand, men can experience urethral pain, penile pain, testicular pain, prostate pain, frequent urination, low back pain, perineum pain or pelvic painAndropauseexcessive sex  or drug abuse (including alcohol) can result in pains or cramps in the brain, neck, stomach, low back or genital organs, or even sex-induced stress, anxiety, and OCD. (Well,  the male pains can also be caused by Penile exercises, stretching, milking and jelqing) and (click here for penile pumping pains). When sympathetic nervous panic or anxiety attack and stress occur on the brain, bladder, prostate, and urethra, men will have precum flooding, premature ejaculation or erection withdrawal.

It is worthwhile to mention that there is another pelvic inflammatory pain called Interstitial Cystitis (IC) associated with intercourse pains, persistent sexual arousal syndrome, vaginal pain, penile pain, over-reactive bladder, prostate inflammation, and premature ejaculationIBS, over-reactive bladder and incontinence are induced by the pelvic anxiety and stress - a serotonin/GABA nervous disorder with excessive epinephrine/sympathetic nervous action (the Flight or/and Fight responses, termed as sympathetic nervous Fires). 

We have successfully solved Non-organic Headache or shooting pain in the neck and shoulder or non-organic eye floaters for both men and women.  Excessive sex (men or women) generally stressed out your brain as well as your body and mind. When sex gives you stress, mood swing, anxiety and ocd, you will lose your concentration and memory due to excessive cortisol, epinephrine, prolactin and prostaglandin E2 in your cerebrospinal fluid.  A urinary analysis will disclose the level of neurotransmitters acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, GABA, norepinephrine and epinephrine, and hormones cortisol, prolactin and prostaglandin E2. A blood test for DHEA, cortisol,  testosterone, DHT, progesterone, estrogen, LH, FSH and prolactin is highly recommended.  

Suggested Sample Solutions to rejuvenate your neuro-endocrine function, to power your dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, GABA, Oxytocinergic and NOergic nervous system and to boost your prostaglandin E1/E3 and Nitric Oxide for health/love-life enrichment, healing and restoration: (To get some example solutions, please go to  )

1. For exhausted, depressed or drug-abused young men and women, take ViaPal-hGH-J(3-015), ArgiNOx(1-018), and options: PinealTonin (2-002) (or 5-HTP (2-001)), DeToxiA(1-017) and Fish Oil; Drug abusers should include DeToxiA; to order, please click 
For headaches, dizziness, anxiety and stress, Moodmax (1-014), ArgiNOx(1-018) and 5-HTP (2-001) or PinealTonin (2-002) can help; Moodmax + PinealTonin is for better sleeping. To last longer, ViaPal-hGH-J + PinealTonin is the best, or take LoveLonger (3-008) if you are under 25 or have a lot of precum. 

For  loss memory, poor concentration (ADD), ADHD, poor vision, eye floater, take ViaPal-hGH-J, ArgiNOx and PinealTonin.
For Vaginal Tightness, clitoral/G-spot ballooning growth,  and penile ballooning growth, take ViaPal-hGH-J and ArgiNOx, in conjunction with the Finger Pliers massage or Penile Ballooning practices using VIP Cream (1-015). Please also read this link - 

2. For exhausted, depressed or drug-abused men and women after age 30, take ViaPal-hGH-P(3-010), ArgiNOx(1-018), and options: PinealTonin (2-002) (or 5-HTP (2-001)), DeToxiA(1-017) and Fish Oil; Drug abusers should include DeToxiA; to order, please click  
For  loss memory, poor concentration (ADD), ADHD, poor vision, eye floater, take ViaPal-hGH-P, ArgiNOx and PinealTonin.  
For headaches, dizziness, anxiety and stress, don't take ViaPal-hGH-P; instead, take ViaPal-hGH-E(3-011) or ViaPal-hGH-M(3-014) plus ArgiNOx(1-018) and Fish oil as described below. 
For Vaginal Tightness, clitoral/G-spot ballooning growth,  and penile ballooning growth, take ViaPal-hGH-P and ArgiNOx
, in conjunction with the Finger Pliers massage or Penile Ballooning practices using VIP Cream (1-015). Please also read this link - 

3. For men and women with hypertension, high blood pressure, anxiety, stress, IBS, incontinence, anxiety, stress, OCD, frequent urination, over-reactive bladder, panic attack, buzzing ears, unwanted sweating, and menopause conditions, take ViaPal-hGH-E(3-011) (or ViaPla-hGh-M (3-014), ArgiNOx(1-018), and options: DeToxiA(1-017) and Fish Oil; Drug abusers should include DeToxiA; to order, please click 
For Vaginal Tightness, clitoral/G-spot ballooning growth,  and penile ballooning growth, take ViaPal-hGH-N, or (ViaPal-hGH-E + ArgiNOx), or ViaPal-hGH-M + ArgiNOx), or (ViaPal-hGH-S + ArgiNOx), in conjunction with the Finger Pliers massage or Penile Ballooning practices using VIP Cream (1-015). Please also read this link - 

You can discuss about your non-organic body pain, cramp, headaches, dizziness, vertigo, depression, anxiety, stress, incontinence, over-reactive bladder,  IBS, OCD, panic attack, hot flashes, unwanted night sweating, loss memory, poor concentration (ADD), ADHD, poor vision, eye floater, buzzing ears,...., by clicking " Ask Dr. Lin, Free!" Thank You.

